Nathalie Pozo | WPBF 25 News | Jul 2, 2024 “A Slice of America: Charred in the Florida Sun” features the owner of a New Haven-style pizza on the Treasure Coast. The documentary is being shown at the Lyric Theatre on July 11 at 7 p.m. in Stuart. For more...
by Dylan Huberman | Fri, July 5th 2024 STUART, Fla. (CBS12) — When you think of the best places to get pizza, South Florida probably isn’t the first region on that list. However, one Treasure Coast restaurant is changing that narrative, with pizza so good…it’s...
T.A. Walker | WPTV 5 | Jul 01, 2024 STUART, Fla. — You know how you have never, ever, heard about something, and then you start to hear everything about it from everywhere all at once? That’s me with New Haven-style pizza. Because when I think pizza, Chicago...
How can this be possible! Watch to the end to find out if it is in fact possible! A real Italian sandwich review by a real italian, taste this with Frank...
In this episode of #AREALPIZZAREVIEWBYAREALITALIAN “Taste This With Frank Gallo” we go behind the scenes to see how Fantini’s received an epic score and find out just who Jimmy Fantin is. You will definitely want to watch the entire...